Wednesday 30 June 2010

Shuffle Staff

                                 Nikon D3

Today's image was shot last week whilst on a shoot with the guys from Shuffle, a new Digital Agency based in southsea. Look forward to working with them again in the future, great peeps!!

:) We are Shuffle, a new breed of digital agency offering clients world-class creative solutions from planning and strategic thinking, to social engineering and technical build solutions with communication at the core.
 We transform and translate brands through social and digital platforms and devices.

 Our principal offer is to craft value, accelerate growth and increase brand advocacy for clients who wish to operate in digital.

Born from a marketing communication heritage, Shuffle consists of a hybrid of youthful and experienced professionals with a brilliant understanding of digital marketing, technology branding and youth culture.

We collaborate with forward thinking individuals and groundbreaking brands from around the planet to create elegant, ethical, sustainable and measurable integrated campaigns.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Fish Eye !!

    Canon 400D

Today's image has just arrived in my inbox!! Me in a goldfish bowl!!

One of the guys from shuffle shot it over the weekend, thanks.

Monday 28 June 2010

Road Trip, Leeds, Yeovil Somerset

                               Nikon D3
What a weekend!!  I have driven 750 miles since Saturday morning, Leeds, Stoke, night out in Chester then down to Yeovil in Somerset before getting home late last night.  I have been working for a couple of different clients shooting Architecture and landscapes.

This first shot is from the Lights Shopping Centre in Leeds

                                 Nikon D3

I spent the day in Yeovil yesterday, but can you believe the weather was hazy and did not make great photography. I did manage to shoot this view from Ham Hill last night about 8:00pmIt is a beautiful location with panoramic views over somerset, think i will be back there soon!!! //,_Somerset

Saturday 26 June 2010

Shuffle Tennis

                                                                             Panasonic GF1  ( mine and Georges view)

Todays image is being being broadcast a little late but i have driven 400 miles and found my self in Chester!!

This was shot yesterday after a days shoot with guys from Shuffle. I will feature some of those images next week some time.

Friday 25 June 2010

The Red Head!

                                                   Panasonic GF1

I was waiting for a good example so i could use colorsplash app for the iPad  (click Link) 
I shot this last night, this lady did have red hair! I desaturated the image then ran it through colorspash, you can also get the app for your iphone. It is easy and quick to use, enjoy.

Thursday 24 June 2010

iPhone Magic - Portsmouth Harbour

                                  iPhone 3Gs!

Well i thought it fitting to bring you today's image from my iphone, as the new one was released today. I confess i am a bit of an apple geek but not not as much as these guys! (follow Link)

It was shot just a couple of hours ago looking over to the IOW not sure what ship it is? James do you know?  Have a safe trip who ever you are!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Hot Air Balloon Over Westmark Farm, Hampshire


                                   NIKON D3 F13 1/125 SEC

Today's image was actually shot this morning 7:00 am, i think it was the first shot of day too which is always nice. Never been in a hot air balloon before looks amazing, hanging in a basket from a lot of hot air. Sounds crazy!  Has any one had the pleasure?

This balloon is from Cameron Flights 

Well it is nearly time for the football, hold on to your hats, lets hope the boys have there feet on today!!

Tuesday 22 June 2010

St. Mary Magdalen Church, Sheet

                               Nikon D3 With 24mm Tilt-shift lens F13 1/125 sec
                                   Is it a church or a rocket?? 

Today's image was shot over the weekend whilst photographing Sheet (near Petersfield) and the surrounding area for a client, tomorrow i am going back to finish the brief in the morning light.


Monday 21 June 2010

Geek alert!!

iOS4 iPhone software up date is being down loaded now!!
                                  Nikon D3 1000sec

                                  Well here they are as promised the boys on their horses!! what a great game, still not sure of the complete rules still but would love to go back with a hamper of food and load of beer, great afternoon out.
You can find out when match days are at this link

Sunday 20 June 2010

     Nikon D3, 4 images processed with Photomatix

I shot this image Friday night at an event at Goodwood House. That is a great set of cars!

I have been to the Polo today at Cowdray Park, Midhurst. One of my clients needs some shots for a coming brochure. i will post the best one in tomorrows picture of the day.

Saturday 19 June 2010

 Panasonic GF1 with pocket wizards and two SB900 flash guns (if you are interested!)

 Today's picture is called a have a bad head this morning!!

    Panasonic GF1
This time of year it is not often i have a Saturday not shoot a wedding so this morning i took the dog to Exton in the Meon Vally for a country walk. 
These sheep were keep a close eye on us to make sure we had left the field. The sheep on the right has the right idea, number yourself and your kids so they no who belongs to who!!  (click on image to enlarge)

Friday 18 June 2010


We are going to the USA for our picture of the day today, this was shot last year whilst travelling.
It was shot on my old compact panasonic LX3.

Is all looking forward to the weekend, it is Southsea food and wine festival this weekend so will see everyone out and about. I have to get some shots of the polo in Midhurst Sunday if any one wants to come along.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Panasonic GF1  200sec @ F20.0

I shot this Monday early evening, i love it. I have never noticed this tree before and must walk past it twice a day but with sun behind it really brings it to life with added bones of the Royal Garrison Church in the back ground

Wednesday 16 June 2010



Sorry it is so late! I have been in Exeter today working for a client photographing the sounding areas, had a great day shot loads of stuff but just having down loaded the images this is the one that jumps out at me.

Love is in the air!!!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Evening walk

     shot with Panasonic GF1

Today's image was shot last night at sunset, this image ask's were is the man going, does he take this root everyday, if you think this is you get in touch. Put a name to a shadow!!!

Monday 14 June 2010


Starting from today i am going to try and bring you a picture a day for the next year. If I can not shoot a different image each day I will look to my picture library for some inspiration!

Well to day is easy, yesterday we went to the Isle Of Wright to spend the day with family, it was awesome, just how you would imagine a day by the sea, British style!

This first image in the year long campaign could be controversial! How my dog made it to the pages and not one of the family or a old beach hut is hard to understand, but i loved this shot of George chasing the sea gulls!!